Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance – eBook

We all use our emails every day and with over five billion email accounts worldwide there is no channel with a wider reach. So, it’s no surprise that 95% of all hacking attacks and data breaches involve email.

This is the area where Domain Based Authentication Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) adds value. DMARC not only provides full insight in email channels, it also makes phishing attacks visible. DMARC can help your organisation to mitigate the impact of phishing and malware attacks, prevent spoofing, protect against brand abuse, scams and avoid business email compromise.

Your organisation and your customers could be being harmed by malicious emails which appear to be sent on your behalf. DMARC can help you block these. With DMARC you can gain a detailed insight into your email channel and based on these insights you can then work on deploying and enforcing an effective DMARC policy.

When an effective DMARC policy is enforced, you will be protected against:

  • Phishing attacks seemingly sent from your organisation
  • Brand abuse and scams
  • Malware and ransomware attacks
  • Spear phishing and CEO fraud within your organisation