Phoenix and NHF: State of Cyber Security Report 2023

Phoenix and the National Housing Federation (NHF) have worked to generate a cyber security report designed to tell you everything you need to know about the state of cyber security within the housing sector right now.

Cyber criminals are targeting the housing sector, intending to steal data and, in some cases, hold ransom. Proactively researching, responding, and remediating these attacks is of high importance, to understand how prepared housing associations are, we’ve completed the first step: research.

In exploring the impact cyber attacks are having on the sector currently, utilising feedback from members of housing associations, and gaining insights into the state of cyber security, we can understand the current landscape and affectively support housing associations in their cyber security. The report takes you through:

How prepared is the housing sector: this section of the report details the current cyber security stance of associations in the NHF, exploring the preparedness of organisations for ransomware attacks, disaster recovery, and incident response

Managing security risk: exploring the crucial aspects of establishing appropriate organisational structures, policies, and processes, this section details the need for robust measures to support cyber strategies

Protecting against cyber threats: this section examines the key findings related to managing security risks, helping housing organisations enhance their cyber security strategies by understanding the findings

Detecting security events: one important aspect of protecting assets and data is the ability to detect and respond to security events effectively. This section details the findings regarding the housing sector’s confidence in managing their security

Minimising the impact: this part of the report explores the necessity of detecting and responding to threats effectively, examining the confidence of NHF associations with their cyber recovery plans and their capabilities in mitigating future risks

What should a comprehensive cyber security strategy look like for your housing association: the final section of the report compiles the key findings into an easily digestible cyber strategy designed to address the unique challenges and risks found in housing associations to ensure successful development of cyber strategies

With the compilation of these key points, the report highlights that cyber security is an organisation-wide issue, not just a technical IT or governance issue. Everyone has a role to play in developing and delivering a comprehensive cyber security strategy.

Overall, the Phoenix and NHF Cyber Security Report 2023 serves as a valuable resource for housing associations to understand the current state of cyber security in the sector and identify areas where improvements can be made. By implementing the recommended measures and strategies outlined, housing associations will strengthen their cyber security position, continue to protect the sensitive information they are responsible for, and mitigate the potential impact of cyber threats on their operations and their residents.


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