Data insights and innovative technology is supporting the healthcare sector by enabling more informed decisions, improving patient outcomes, and enhancing the efficiency of healthcare delivery.

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More than two-thirds (68%) of UK healthcare workers agree that investment in new or better technology could help save lives.

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of UK healthcare workers say that trying to use their employer’s technology wastes valuable time they could have spent helping patients.

In a digital world where more organisations and their patients are using technology to access services, utilising data to inform user experiences and investing in the latest tech is vital for successful outcomes and accessible services.

Healthcare organisations need innovative technology to make their processes more efficient and deliver better patient experiences.

Benefits of insights and innovation for the healthcare sector

Data insights and innovation support healthcare organisations by improving patient outcomes, enhancing operational efficiency, and enabling more personalised care.

By leveraging the power of data analytics and innovation, healthcare organisations are empowered to deliver better care, reduce costs, and ultimately improve the health and wellbeing of patients.

With data insights and innovation, healthcare organisations are able to:

Close up of a doctor working on an iPad

Spot patterns and predict outcomes using analytics: predictive analytics enables organisations to identify patients at risk of developing certain conditions, allowing for early intervention and prevention, and forecast future demand for services giving organisations the time to optimise resource allocation

Female doctor assisting an elderly person

Provide personalised patient care: analysing patient data, including medical history, genetics, and lifestyle factors can lead to more targeted treatment plans and better patient outcomes

Doctor with a stethoscope in hand working on a laptop

Optimise processes: data analysis identifies areas of inefficiency in your operations, enabling you to make data-driven decisions to optimise your processes, reduce costs, and improve patient experiences

Doctor working on a laptop

Improve research: data analytics helps to identify patterns and trends that may not be immediately apparent, providing valuable insights for researchers

Two doctors looking at data on a board

Trusted Research Environments (TREs)

Data insights and innovation play an important role in supporting Trusted Research Environments (TREs) by:

These things enable TREs to improve the quality and speed of research outcomes, which is vital to healthcare organisations and their patients.

Transforming healthcare with insight and innovation technology

Nearly 70% of new applications developed by organisations will use low code by 2025.

Power Platform is a comprehensive solution for automation, decision intelligence, and AI. It enables healthcare organisation to quickly create applications with minimal technical assistance, optimising resources and budget and adding value.

Doctor showing a patient information on a phone

Power Apps

Power Apps give healthcare organisations the tools needed to transform their manual processes into automatic, digital ones.

This approach is central to the digital transformation of the healthcare sector. It empowers employees with little technical knowledge to build low or no-code custom apps based on their needs, allowing them to harness technology created specifically for their organisation’s needs, and deploy this tech to the frontline quickly – in weeks or even days.

Person working on a laptop with data

Power BI

Power BI empowers your organisation to uncover data insights that improve your clinical decision-making and care experiences, while transforming healthcare operations and outcomes.

Power BI:

  • Empowers health team collaboration
  • Gain clinical and operational insights
  • Reshape the future of healthcare

Our strategic healthcare partners

Find out how to use insights and innovation to improve the future of healthcare

Talk to our specialists about how using data insights and innovative technology supports your organisation to deliver better patient outcomes and improve the future of healthcare.

Arrange your free consultation now

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