Cloud-based architecture is growing increasingly popular and is a key component in successfully achieving public sector organisation’s current and future growth plans. However, it’s crucial to develop a clear strategy to understand what options you have and plan for the future.

As a first step, our Surveyor 360 assessment helps your organisation understand the benefits of cloud-based, scalable architecture, allowing you to optimise your current data centre environment and deploy advanced workloads in areas like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and the Internet of Things (IoT). However, the challenge many IT departments are currently facing is: how do you go from where you are now to where you want to be?

Surveyor 360 provides you with relevant information about your data environment – with minimum impact to your organisation’s network. The assessment is made up of various modules giving you the option to choose and run each module separately or combine them into one. Surveyor 360 includes the following modules:

Apps and infrastructure

  • Infrastructure assessment module
  • Backup, continuity, and disaster recovery module

Data and AI

  • Data and analytics assessment module
  • Chatbot and engagement automation module
  • AI and innovation module

Chat with one of our cloud specialists for more information about how our Surveyor 360 assessment will support your organisation to achieve its goals. Book your call now to find out more. 

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