In 2022, Scottish Action for Mental Health (SAMH) was the victim of a “sophisticated and criminal” cyber attack that impacted both the phone lines and emails of the charity. As a result of the attack, more than 4,000 digital files were stolen from the SAMH, and this has left a lasting impression on the organisation.

Ensuring that all charity and non-profit organisations remain safe and secure is crucial for you to continue delivering the support services that your people need. To help other charity and non-profit organisations to prevent these types of attacks from happening in the future, John Stoner from SAMH will be joining us for a hybrid event to discuss the impact the attack had on their organisation, how they rectified it, and where they are now.

Make sure to join us on Tuesday 14th May for a webinar to discover in-depth what happened in the 2022 SAMH cyber incident and what preventative measures you should be implementing to ensure this doesn’t happen to your organisation.

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Tuesday 14th May

10:15 – 12:00


10:15 – Introduction with Melissa Underwood, Phoenix Software

10:20 – Real world cyber incident in a charity – John Stoner, Scottish Action for Mental Health

  • SAMH’s experience
  • What happened
  • The impact
  • Where are they at now?
  • Lessons learned

11:00 – How to be more proactive about your cyber risks – Melissa Underwood, Phoenix Software

  • Discussion of the evolving threat landscape
  • Cyber risk: proactive vs reactive
  • Understanding your current security posture
  • Compliance: frameworks and certifications (CE/CE+)
  • Incident preparedness
  • Awareness training

11:40 – What a SOC service can deliver with Fred Astfeldt – Phoenix Software

12:00 – Discussions and Q&A



Melissa Underwood
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Business Development Manager, Phoenix Software
Fred Astfeldt
Head of Managed Security Solutions, Phoenix Software
Scottish Action for Menthal Health logo in white circle John Stoner
Scottish Action for Mental Health

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Secure your place and join us to discover how to take a proactive stance against cyber threats.